Friday 24 May 2013

Alzheimer's disease MRCPsych course

MRCPsych course

Alzheimer's disease (Neuropathology)

Think about Nagasaki Hiroshima

  • Neurofibrillary tangles
  • Neuronal cell loss
  • Glial proliferation
  • Granulovascular proliferation
  • Senile/neuritic plaques
  • Hirano inclusion bodies
  • Reactive astrocytosis (also present in Pick's disease)

 MRCPsych course

Hallucination (MRCPsych course)

MRCPsych course

Hallucination = false perception without stimulus

Mnemonics C3-O-I3
  • Clear as normal perception
  • Constant
  • Conscious
  • Objective space
  • Independent of will
  • Insight absent
  • Impaired reality testing
MRCPsych course

Mood disorders MRCPsych course

MRCPsych course
Major Depressive Disorder (DSM-IV-TR)
(5 symptoms or more including at least 1 core symptom)

  1. Mood low (core symptom)
  2. Interest/Pleasure loss (core symptom)
  3. Sleep decreased/increased
  4. Appetite decreased/increased
  5. Guilt - excessive/inappropriate
  6. Suicidal thoughts
  7. Psychomotor retardation/agitation
  8. Energy low
  9. Concentration low/indecisiveness


  • Hopelessness
  • Energy low
  • Sleep decreased/increased
  • 2 years minimum of depressed mood, most of the day for more days than not  + 2 symptoms at least + not symptom-free period > 2 months
  • Self-esteem low
  • Appetite reduced/increased
  • Decision/Concentration reduced 

Suicidal risk


Sex - male
Age - <19, >45
Past suicide attempt
Ethanol/drug abuse
Rational thinking loss (e.g. psychosis)*
Organised plan/serious attempt*
No social support
Sickness (chronic e.g. Cancer, HIV)
Determined to repeat/ Ambivalent*

*2 score (others 1 score)

Suicidal risk score:
1 -2 : low risk
3 - 5: moderate risk
7 or more : high risk 
MRCPsych course

Lithium (MRCPsych course)

 MRCPsych course

Adverse Effects Of Lithium

Early lithium adverse effects:
4 T’s:
  • Thirsty
  • Tired
  • Tremor (fine)
  • Taste (metallic)
Long term lithium adverse effects:
  •  Diabetic insipidus
  •  Hypothyroidism
  •  Hyperparathyroidism
  •  Weight gain
  •  Coarsening & Hair loss
  •  Leucocytosis
  •  Hypokalaemia ( maybe associated with arrhythmias & T wave flattening (ECG)
Toxic ( >1.5 mmol/l)
CAT Got your tongue, ears & eyes

  • Cerebellar syndrome *(refer below)
  • Anorexia
  • Tremor (Coarse)
  • Gut/ GIT symptoms (diarrhoea, vomiting)
  • Tongue – dysarthria
  • Ears – tinnitus
  • Eyes – Blurred vision

*Cerebellar syndrome
  • Vertigo
  • Ataxia
  • Nystagmus
  • Intentional tremor
  • Speech staccato
  • H
  • Exaggerated broad-based gait
  • Dysdiadokinesia

Extreme toxicity (>2.5 mmol/l)
6 C’s:
  • Confusion
  • Convulsion
  • Circulatory failure
  • Collapse
  • Coma
  • Corpse (death)

Teratogenicity : (especially use during 1st trimester)- Ebstein’s anomaly

Factors that can lead to Dangerous toxicity:
  • Diuretics
  • Dietary Deficiency of Na+
  • Dehydration
  • Drugs :
o   NSAIDs,
o   Acetazolamide
o    Metronidazole (high risk of Li+ toxicity during co-administration & for up to 3 weeks afterwards)
o   High doses haloperidol (>20mg/day)

 MRCPsych course

Benzodiazepines (MRCPsych course)

 MRCPsych course

Adverse Effects Of Benzodiazepines
5 D’s
  • Dependence
  • Drowsiness (daytime)
  • Dysarthria
  • Diplopia
  • Disorientation: ‘paradoxical reaction’ leading to hyperexcitability or Delirium (esp. In elderly)

Benzodiazepines withdrawal symptoms (Abrupt cessation after development of dependence):
10 S’s
  •   Stress
  •   Skinny
  •   Strange experiences (hypersensitivity derealisation/depersonalization, transient psychosis/perceptual distortions)
  •   Sadness
  •   Sleep disturbance
  •   Salivation
  •   Sweating
  •   Sexual disinterest
  •   Shaking  (tremor)
  •   Seizures
 MRCPsych course

Monday 20 May 2013

Hypothalamus MRCPsych course

MRCPsych course

Functions of Hypothalamus

ANTERIOR part of Hypothalamus

Anterior nucleus – to cool down body. Parasympathetic

Supraoptic nucleus – ADH release- regulates water intake

Preoptic nucleus – sexual & reproductive function 

Suprachiasmatic nucleus – circadian rhythm (biological clock)- sleep-wake cycle

CENTRAL part of Hypothalamus

Paraventricular nucleusoxytocin – milk ejection, contraction of uterus at birth

Ventromedial nucleus – satiety centre. (lesion causes hyperphagia)

Dorsomedial nucleus -

Lateral nucleus -  hunger centre (lesion causes anorexia)

Arcuate nucleus – 


Posterior nucleus – to keep body warm. Sympathetic

Mammillary nucleus – part of limbic - emotion e.g. fear, rage


Functions of Hypothalamus (mnemonics SEAFEAST):

  • Sexual & reproductive function
  • Endocrine – control release of hormones from adenohypophysis & neurohypophysis
  • Autonomic nervous system regulation
  • Fluids - maintenance of body fluids
  • Emotional regulation
  • Appetite/food intake contol
  • Sleep-wake cycle
  • Temperature control of body
MRCPsych course

Psychopharmacology MAOIs MRCPsych course

 MRCPsych course


Food/Substances that need to be avoided when taking MAOIs (Monoamine oxidase inhibitors):


Alcohol – chianti, red wines, beer
Broad bean pods
Cheeses (except Cream and Cottage cheeses)
Drugs (please refer below*)
Extracts of mea and yeast (Marmite, Bovril)
Fish, especially smoked or pickled (fresh fish is relatively safe)


Antidepressants (TCA)
Coccaine, pethidine and other narcotics
General anaesthetics

 MRCPsych course