Monday 20 May 2013

Hypothalamus MRCPsych course

MRCPsych course

Functions of Hypothalamus

ANTERIOR part of Hypothalamus

Anterior nucleus – to cool down body. Parasympathetic

Supraoptic nucleus – ADH release- regulates water intake

Preoptic nucleus – sexual & reproductive function 

Suprachiasmatic nucleus – circadian rhythm (biological clock)- sleep-wake cycle

CENTRAL part of Hypothalamus

Paraventricular nucleusoxytocin – milk ejection, contraction of uterus at birth

Ventromedial nucleus – satiety centre. (lesion causes hyperphagia)

Dorsomedial nucleus -

Lateral nucleus -  hunger centre (lesion causes anorexia)

Arcuate nucleus – 


Posterior nucleus – to keep body warm. Sympathetic

Mammillary nucleus – part of limbic - emotion e.g. fear, rage


Functions of Hypothalamus (mnemonics SEAFEAST):

  • Sexual & reproductive function
  • Endocrine – control release of hormones from adenohypophysis & neurohypophysis
  • Autonomic nervous system regulation
  • Fluids - maintenance of body fluids
  • Emotional regulation
  • Appetite/food intake contol
  • Sleep-wake cycle
  • Temperature control of body
MRCPsych course

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